Friday, May 29, 2015

The path of the spiritual scholar warrior....Introduction to my autobiographical blog

To be a spiritual scholar warrior is to pay homage to the life we have been given and to live it with grace, honor, respect and love. The ideas of spiritual scholar warriors was alive and well in ancient societies long past. The Druids of Scotland (warrior priest), the shaolin monks ( scholars, priest and warriors), the Olympic athletes of Greece,  where the original Olympic games had poetry and math (warrior scholars). The list goes on. At the core of these examples is one common universal truth. Man was blessed with 3 things 1) a divine spirit 2) an adaptive body and 3) a complex mind. To live a healthy life in peace and harmony all three must be cared for and developed.

This blog is for me a new endeavor but one that I will carry out with the utmost sincerity and honor. I consider myself a person who has always been driven to achieve spiritual enlightenment, physical aesthetics and continual lifelong learning. In this blog I will document the personal path I have gone through and continue to go through in this journey of life.
Why should anyone read this. Deep inside every man is a longing for wisdom. We are all Half animal and Half divine. We must understand this, embrace this and use it to our advantage. With this blog I do not promise spiritual enlightenment or 8 minute abs. The titles of my blogs will not be How to (blah blah blah).... or 10 things to do in (insert exotic destination). This blog will be of a meditative purpose spiritually, motivative purpose physically and informative in many aspects. Through my life and my endeavors may they somehow bring to light some of yours.

Book Recommendations and reviews- I will be discussing books that I have read which vary in content. Most topics will be related to psychology, ancient religions, fitness, nutrition, poetry English and Spanish as well as others. The books I will blog about will be those I feel would make the reader a stronger person in achieving a spiritual scholar warrior way of life.  Examples Mastery by Robert Green. The Alchemist by Paulo Cohelo. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and many others related to Ancient Greek civilization, war, conquest and anthropology.

Miscellaneous - I will create a miscellaneous folder to document certain things that may not fit into the spiritual scholar warrior repertoire but are none the less valuable.

Travel- I am constantly challenging myself to learn new things and achieve mastery level on certain others. Some of these "hobbies" have taken me to distant lands and thus brought me a greater awareness of myself and the world I am so blessed to find myself in. I always recommend to those traveling to dig deep into the culture of the place you are going to . Choose your destinations not because of a "Groupon" deal but because of a deep personal desire to grow in someway. My love for Mauy Thai has taken me all over Thailand. My desire to surf has shown me a different side on central America. I have also been to countries such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. Each destination will have a blog associated with it outlining do's dont's and the must do's.

Fitness and Nutrition- A desire to achieve excellent health drives me to constantly stay up to date on nutrition and fitness. I have recently learned about intermittent fasting and find it to be a full proof way of leaning out while not losing muscle. The Greeks as well as Christians believe that God created us in His image. The Greeks however took this a step further and mandated that men maintained a superb state of conditioning to be battle ready, to be good hunters but most importantly to honor the Gods who are all physically perfect themselves. This is a notion I am inclined to favor. It actually disgust me that we find ourselves in the 21 century yet it seems we are becoming more and more unhealthy physically, socially disconnected, less cultured and more Godless.

To live as a spiritual scholar warrior is to practice the art of living life to the fullest capacity possible. This is achieved through the development of the three gifts given to us at birth. MIND BODY AND SPIRIT.